Alex Grech's blog

Friday, November 12, 2004

Man quits work

Max tuned into BBC 6 Music and heard a guy call in to say that he had just quit work because he couldn't be bothered any more.

Today is a time for burials. Arafat's body was buried in the usual chaos of Ramallah, and John Peel got the star treatment in Bury, St.Edmonds in Suffolk.

The US are still pounding Falluja. And a six year-old in Miami was shot by police with a sten gun because he had locked himself in his principal's room and was starting to cut himself with a shard of glass.

Liz has spent the afternoon optimising pictures of Jacob on PhotoShop to get some prints for her room.

Max sometimes thinks it is better to remain holed up in Siggiewi than face the outside world.

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